Dad and brothers have been like teasing and joking about results day, haha. Dad was so cute on the phone when he says just see how everything goes.. We joked a lot on the phone and his laughter with a mixture of 'kakaka' and 'hahaha!' were really spastic!
And some pictures when we went to NP open house :
Ignore the awkard posture of Jingwen and focus on Kokyong, this is a cute picture too! :D
Actually its heart-warming to know that he remembers we're friends for 6 years already!
Hehe and how he says 'So long already, I'm used to it~' when being asked about our height difference =)
Hardcore BFs
So the moment we sat down together at her house, I started to pour and come clean with everything that has happened and heart feelings. It felt a lot better and so much lighter. Heh.
Nothing really changed even when there's a long gap of not meeting up. :)
Haha! Good picture right!
Oh and its a nice experience being a 2minutes DJ that day! Haha, it was cool though I choked many of my words and were quite irony too.. Haha. But me and Jw both agree that DJ suits Ky really well!
I'm actually interested in NP's FMS, its something I always wanted to do before O's. But deep down I still hope to go to JC. Ahh~ Lets see how everything goes tmr.
Whatever that has happened and is going to happen, lets stay positive. =)
"Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature, music - the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself."
Henry Miller (1891 - 1980)
All the best to all tmr. =)
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