Monday, February 08, 2010

Ever experience a strong feeling of sadness when the person you missed so much waved goodbye and you realise you are alone standing there rooted to the floor with nothing but tears, you started wondering when will be the next time you guys can meet you wonder how long you have to wait

You started feeling hopeful and started smiling when you see them but deep down inside you are so sad because you know things are not the same anymore and you miss them so much there's nothing much to look forward everyday all you wanted is to be with them.

All the times spent together, you think about it almost every minute, you wanted it all back so badly

It's only the new year, but I'm counting down to Christmas

But the more you want time to pass quickly, the slower it passes.

It sucks to tell yourself everyday that tomorrow will be better. Doing that for 2 years?

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